#3 Re : Discussions ouvertes ! » Merci aux nouveaux de se présenter ... » 2024-01-13 16:55:26

Hello everyone,

I got 4 albums - Portuguese Edition -  in the late 80's - , when I was a early teenager.
I remember how fascinated I was with the stories (Navy Blues, Skyriders, Outlaw and the one where they are recruited which I forgot the English name)

That Portuguese Edition only had 10 numbers, but none were available when I grew a bit older. Nevertheless I kept the ones I had in my parents attic and read them every now and then. They had this strong nostalgic sense to me, that no other comic has.

Fast forward to 2010/11 when I found that Cinebook had English translations - I was thrilled to get my hands on new material (even tough only paperback with a poor saturated colour - anyway, beggars can't be choosers).

In 2017 there was a new Portuguese Edition with 15 books (many new ones) which helped fuel the enthusiasm again smile

I now live in Amsterdam where it's very easy to find the blauwbloezen everywhere, but yeah, it's not the same as I do not master the language.

Anyway, just wanted to share my story - happy reading guys!

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